PDF Creation
The Docutain SDK for Flutter comes with the ability to create searchable and non-searchable PDF documents from a scanned document.
- Follow the Getting started guide
- Initialize the Docutain Flutter SDK as described here
Create a PDF
bool rcScan = await DocutainSdkUi.scanDocument(scanConfig);
File? pdfFile = await DocutainSdkDocument.writePDF(path, "testPDF");
if (pdfFile != null) {
//do something with the generated PDF
} else{
//pdf creation failed, get the last error
String error = await DocutainSdk.getLastError();
You can specify the PDF page format by providing the appropriate value
File? pdfFile = await DocutainSdkDocument.writePDF(path, "testPDF", pdfPageFormat: PDFPageFormat.a4);