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File Import

You can import images or PDF files into Docutain and do a bunch of things with them, same as after a successful document scan with Docutain's Flutter Scanner SDK.

Android PDF Creation

Android Text Recognition

Android Data Extraction

Supported file types

  • PDF
  • BMP
  • JPG
  • JPEG
  • PNG
  • TIFF
  • HEIC


File Import

If your simple goal is to import image files and generate a non-searchable (includes no text) PDF file from it, use the DocutainSdkDocument class.

try {
bool rcImport =
await DocutainSdkDocument.loadFile(filePath);
if (!rcImport) {
//an error occured
var error = await DocutainSdk.getLastError();
} else {
//generate a PDF from the imported file
File? pdfFile = await DocutainSdkDocument.writePDF(
path, 'SamplePDF');
} on PlatformException catch (exception) {
if (exception.code == "SecurityException") {
//file is encrypted and password was wrong or empty
//provide the correct password in the loadFile() method

If you want to create a searchable PDF (includes text), or get the detected data or text of the imported file, use the DocutainSdkDocumentDataReader class.

try {
bool rcImport =
await DocutainSdkDocumentDataReader.loadFile(filePath);
if (!rcImport) {
//an error occured
var error = await DocutainSdk.getLastError();
} else {
//generate a searchable PDF from the imported file
File? pdfFile = await DocutainSdkDocument.writePDF(
path, 'SamplePDF');
//get the detected text
final text =
await DocutainSdkDocumentDataReader.getText();
//get the detected data
final data =
await DocutainSdkDocumentDataReader.analyze();
} on PlatformException catch (exception) {
if (exception.code == "SecurityException") {
//file is encrypted and password was wrong or empty
//provide the correct password in the loadFile() method